Point of Sale for Hospo (Bar’s Café’s and Restaurant’s)

Easy to use Point of Sale with powerful reporting capabilities.


The software is super easy to use :

  • The software is in the Cloud and will run on any computer - so no specialised hardware requirements.
  • Very simple and easy to use Point of Sale functions.
  • Powerful sales reporting.
  • Keep track of your customers and their purchases.
  • Keep track of your stock with powerful and easy stock management.
  • You can connect a Cash drawer and / or receipt printer.
  • There are adaptions for different industries - General retail, Specialist retail, Hospo, On Behalf of sales and much more.
  • Also options for multi channel so you can integrate with your website or we can provide a website for you.

Point of Sale Screen

The Point of Sale screen is super easy to use while providing a ton of functions to make your life easier.

This is the main Point of Sale Screen. You can easily add items to the sale and process the order.

The following screenshot shows a category lookup where you can easily find items by category - for example all food items.

Staff login screen

Each staff member has a pin to login with. You can specify what system functions they can perform.

This is a smaple report that shows sales for the day - making it easy to cash up.

Let us know what your need and we can have a chat about your requirements